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 Haiku and Poem Competition 2021

A competition to encourage young people to blossom as poets.


Our Haiku and Poem Competition has proven to be a great success again this year with over 50 entries. The closing date has now passed and judging is underway.


We are delighted that so many young people were inspired last year to get writing for our competition, especially in the current difficult circumstances. The haiku and poems received were full of life and reflected close observation of nature in spring.  Names of last year's winners and their work can be found here.

Entrants are again invited to write a haiku or poem about blossom, trees, spring or climate change. The competition is part of our celebration on Sunday 11th April of the beautiful cherry tree blossom on Staveley Road.

The rules of the competition can be found by clicking here and the Entry Form is downloadable here.

We are very pleased that Lucy Chambers from the Chiswick Book Festival has agreed to join the judging panel again this year and we are delighted to welcome Susan Lee Kerr, Grove Park author and haiku poet, to the panel.